Essay Question; Premonition of Civil War, 1936

You will spend your next lesson constructing a formal written response in an examination style format to the essay question below. You are able to pre-pare yourself for this by collecting information and attempting to construct you response prior to class. I will be collecting these essays and giving you a mark based on the criteria below. This question will significantly help you in your yearly examination preparation.

In your answer you will be assessed (this is what i will be looking for and marking you on) on how well you:

■ present a well-reasoned and informed point of view (that you have structured it correctly, that it makes sense, that you have written in a formal manner (no first person; ‘I’s’) spelling, grammar, that you have research your selected work).

■ apply your understandings of the different aspects of content as appropriate (Conceptual Framework (artist, audience, artwork and world), and the Frames (Subjective; feelings and emotions, Structural; how the work is composed, Cultural; race, gender sex, religion etc and Postmodern; new, contemporary, challenging the mainstream)).

■ use relevant examples (this means that you discuss artworks that relate to the question and can include quotes or other pieces of researched information that helps top back up what you are saying).


“Artworks convey an artists’ deepest feelings”.

Respond to this statement with reference to the subjective frame.

Salvador Dali Soft Construction with Boiled Beans (Premonition of Civil War), 1936.

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